Policies.WrapRange module

A policy that acts as a wrapper on another policy P, which requires to know the range \([a, b]\) of the rewards, by implementing a “doubling trick” to adapt to an unknown range of rewards.

It’s an interesting variant of the “doubling trick”, used to tackle another unknown aspect of sequential experiments: some algorithms need to use rewards in \([0,1]\), and are easy to use if the rewards known to be in some interval \([a, b]\) (I did this from the very beginning here, with [lower, lower+amplitude]). But if the interval \([a,b]\) is unknown, what can we do? The “Doubling Trick”, in this setting, refers to this algorithm:

  1. Start with \([a_0, b_0] = [0, 1]\),

  2. If a reward \(r_t\) is seen below \(a_i\), use \(a_{i+1} = r_t\),

  3. If a reward \(r_t\) is seen above \(b_i\), use \(b_{i+1} = r_t - a_i\).

Instead of just doubling the length of the interval (“doubling trick”), we use \([r_t, b_i]\) or \([a_i, r_t]\) as it is the smallest interval compatible with the past and the new observation \(r_t\)

  • Reference. I’m not sure which work is the first to have proposed this idea, but [[Normalized online learning, Stéphane Ross & Paul Mineiro & John Langford, 2013](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1305.6646.pdf)] proposes a similar idea.

See also

See for instance Obandit.WrapRange by @freuk.

class Policies.WrapRange.WrapRange(nbArms, policy=<class 'Policies.UCB.UCB'>, lower=0.0, amplitude=1.0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Policies.BasePolicy.BasePolicy

A policy that acts as a wrapper on another policy P, which requires to know the range \([a, b]\) of the rewards, by implementing a “doubling trick” to adapt to an unknown range of rewards.

__init__(nbArms, policy=<class 'Policies.UCB.UCB'>, lower=0.0, amplitude=1.0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

New policy.

policy = None

Underlying policy


-> str


Initialize the policy for a new game.

getReward(arm, reward)[source]

Maybe change the current range and rescale all the past history, and then pass the reward, and update t.

Let call \(r_s\) the reward at time \(s\), \(l_{t-1}\) and \(a_{t-1}\) the lower-bound and amplitude of rewards at previous time \(t-1\), and \(l_t\) and \(a_t\) the new lower-bound and amplitude for current time \(t\). The previous history is \(R_t := \sum_{s=1}^{t-1} r_s\).

The generic formula for rescaling the previous history is the following:

\[R_t := \frac{(a_{t-1} \times R_t + l_{t-1}) - l_t}{a_t}.\]

So we have the following efficient algorithm:

  1. If \(r < l_{t-1}\), let \(l_t = r\) and \(R_t := R_t + \frac{l_{t-1} - l_t}{a_t}\),

  2. Else if \(r > l_{t-1} + a_{t-1}\), let \(a_t = r - l_{t-1}\) and \(R_t := R_t \times \frac{a_{t-1}}{a-t}\),

  3. Otherwise, nothing to do, the current reward is still correctly in \([l_{t-1}, l_{t-1} + a_{t-1}]\), so simply keep \(l_t = l_{t-1}\) and \(a_t = a_{t-1}\).

property index

Get attribute index from the underlying policy.


Pass the call to choice of the underlying policy.


Pass the call to choiceWithRank of the underlying policy.


Pass the call to choiceFromSubSet of the underlying policy.


Pass the call to choiceMultiple of the underlying policy.

choiceIMP(nb=1, startWithChoiceMultiple=True)[source]

Pass the call to choiceIMP of the underlying policy.


Pass the call to estimatedOrder of the underlying policy.


Pass the call to estimatedBestArms of the underlying policy.


Pass the call to computeIndex of the underlying policy.


Pass the call to computeAllIndex of the underlying policy.

__module__ = 'Policies.WrapRange'