Source code for Policies.Softmax

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" The Boltzmann Exploration (Softmax) index policy.

- Reference: [Algorithms for the multi-armed bandit problem, V.Kuleshov & D.Precup, JMLR, 2008, §2.1]( and [Boltzmann Exploration Done Right, N.Cesa-Bianchi & C.Gentile & G.Lugosi & G.Neu, arXiv 2017](

- Very similar to Exp3 but uses a Boltzmann distribution.
  Reference: [Regret Analysis of Stochastic and Nonstochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problems, S.Bubeck & N.Cesa-Bianchi, §3.1](

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.6"

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rn

    from .BasePolicy import BasePolicy
except ImportError:
    from BasePolicy import BasePolicy

#: self.unbiased is a flag to know if the rewards are used as biased estimator,
#: i.e., just :math:`r_t`, or unbiased estimators, :math:`r_t / trusts_t`.

[docs]class Softmax(BasePolicy): r"""The Boltzmann Exploration (Softmax) index policy, with a constant temperature :math:`\eta_t`. - Reference: [Algorithms for the multi-armed bandit problem, V.Kuleshov & D.Precup, JMLR, 2008, §2.1]( and [Boltzmann Exploration Done Right, N.Cesa-Bianchi & C.Gentile & G.Lugosi & G.Neu, arXiv 2017]( - Very similar to Exp3 but uses a Boltzmann distribution. Reference: [Regret Analysis of Stochastic and Nonstochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problems, S.Bubeck & N.Cesa-Bianchi, §3.1]( """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, temperature=None, unbiased=UNBIASED, lower=0., amplitude=1.): super(Softmax, self).__init__(nbArms, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) if temperature is None: # Use a default value for the temperature temperature = np.sqrt(np.log(nbArms) / nbArms) assert temperature > 0, "Error: the temperature parameter for Softmax class has to be > 0." self._temperature = temperature self.unbiased = unbiased #: Flag # Trying to randomize the order of the initial visit to each arm; as this determinism breaks its habitility to play efficiently in multi-players games # Even more randomized, take a random permutation of the arm ? self._initial_exploration = rn.permutation(nbArms)
# The proba that another player has the same is nbPlayers / factorial(nbArms) : should be SMALL !
[docs] def startGame(self): """Nothing special to do.""" super(Softmax, self).startGame()
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Softmax(temp: {})".format(self.temperature)
# This decorator @property makes this method an attribute, cf. @property def temperature(self): r"""Constant temperature, :math:`\eta_t`.""" return self._temperature @property def trusts(self): r"""Update the trusts probabilities according to the Softmax (ie Boltzmann) distribution on accumulated rewards, and with the temperature :math:`\eta_t`. .. math:: \mathrm{trusts}'_k(t+1) &= \exp\left( \frac{X_k(t)}{\eta_t N_k(t)} \right) \\ \mathrm{trusts}(t+1) &= \mathrm{trusts}'(t+1) / \sum_{k=1}^{K} \mathrm{trusts}'_k(t+1). If :math:`X_k(t) = \sum_{\sigma=1}^{t} 1(A(\sigma) = k) r_k(\sigma)` is the sum of rewards from arm k. """ # rewards = (self.rewards - self.lower) / self.amplitude # XXX we don't need this, the BasePolicy.getReward does it already rewards = self.rewards trusts = np.exp(rewards / (self.temperature * (1 + self.pulls))) # 1 + pulls to prevent division by 0 if self.unbiased: rewards = self.rewards / trusts trusts = np.exp(rewards / (self.temperature * (1 + self.pulls))) # 1 + pulls to prevent division by 0 # XXX Handle weird cases, slow down everything but safer! if not np.all(np.isfinite(trusts)): trusts[~np.isfinite(trusts)] = 0 # set bad values to 0 # Bad case, where the sum is so small that it's only rounding errors # or where all values where bad and forced to 0, start with trusts=[1/K...] if np.isclose(np.sum(trusts), 0): trusts[:] = 1.0 / self.nbArms # Normalize it and return it return trusts / np.sum(trusts) # --- Choice methods
[docs] def choice(self): """One random selection, with probabilities = trusts, thank to :func:`numpy.random.choice`.""" # Force to first visit each arm once in the first steps if self.t < self.nbArms: # return self.t # random permutation instead of deterministic order! return self._initial_exploration[self.t] # DONE else: return rn.choice(self.nbArms, p=self.trusts)
[docs] def choiceWithRank(self, rank=1): """Multiple (rank >= 1) random selection, with probabilities = trusts, thank to :func:`numpy.random.choice`, and select the last one (least probable one). - Note that if not enough entries in the trust vector are non-zero, then :func:`choice` is called instead (rank is ignored). """ if (self.t < self.nbArms) or (rank == 1) or np.sum(~np.isclose(self.trusts, 0)) < rank: return self.choice() else: return rn.choice(self.nbArms, size=rank, replace=False, p=self.trusts)[-1]
[docs] def choiceFromSubSet(self, availableArms='all'): """One random selection, from availableArms, with probabilities = trusts, thank to :func:`numpy.random.choice`.""" if self.t < self.nbArms: return availableArms[self.t % len(availableArms)] elif (availableArms == 'all') or (len(availableArms) == self.nbArms): return self.choice() else: return rn.choice(availableArms, p=self.trusts[availableArms])
[docs] def choiceMultiple(self, nb=1): """Multiple (nb >= 1) random selection, with probabilities = trusts, thank to :func:`numpy.random.choice`.""" if nb == 1: return np.array([self.choice()]) else: return rn.choice(self.nbArms, size=nb, replace=False, p=self.trusts)
# --- Other methods
[docs] def estimatedOrder(self): """ Return the estimate order of the arms, as a permutation on [0..K-1] that would order the arms by increasing trust probabilities.""" return np.argsort(self.trusts)
# --- Three special cases
[docs]class SoftmaxWithHorizon(Softmax): r""" Softmax with fixed temperature :math:`\eta_t = \eta_0` chosen with a knowledge of the horizon."""
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, horizon, lower=0., amplitude=1.): super(SoftmaxWithHorizon, self).__init__(nbArms, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) assert horizon > 0, "Error: the 'horizon' parameter for SoftmaxWithHorizon class has to be > 0." self.horizon = int(horizon) #: Parameter :math:`T` = known horizon of the experiment.
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Softmax($T={}$)".format(self.horizon)
# This decorator @property makes this method an attribute, cf. @property def temperature(self): r""" Fixed temperature, small, knowing the horizon: :math:`\eta_t = \sqrt(\frac{2 \log(K)}{T K})` (*heuristic*). - Cf. Theorem 3.1 case #1 of [Bubeck & Cesa-Bianchi, 2012]( """ return np.sqrt(2 * np.log(self.nbArms) / (self.horizon * self.nbArms))
[docs]class SoftmaxDecreasing(Softmax): r""" Softmax with decreasing temperature :math:`\eta_t`."""
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Softmax(decreasing)"
# This decorator @property makes this method an attribute, cf. @property def temperature(self): r""" Decreasing temperature with the time: :math:`\eta_t = \sqrt(\frac{\log(K)}{t K})` (*heuristic*). - Cf. Theorem 3.1 case #2 of [Bubeck & Cesa-Bianchi, 2012]( """ return np.sqrt(np.log(self.nbArms) / (self.t * self.nbArms))
[docs]class SoftMix(Softmax): r""" Another Softmax with decreasing temperature :math:`\eta_t`."""
[docs] def __str__(self): return "SoftMix"
# This decorator @property makes this method an attribute, cf. @property def temperature(self): r""" Decreasing temperature with the time: :math:`\eta_t = c \frac{\log(t)}{t}` (*heuristic*). - Cf. [Cesa-Bianchi & Fisher, 1998]( - Default value for is :math:`c = \sqrt(\frac{\log(K)}{K})`. """ c = np.sqrt(np.log(self.nbArms) / self.nbArms) if self.t <= 1: return c else: return c * np.log(self.t) / self.t