Source code for Policies.Posterior.Gauss

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Manipulate a posterior of Gaussian experiments, which happens to also be a Gaussian distribution if the prior is Gaussian. *Easy peasy!*

.. warning:: TODO I have to test it!

- Reference: [[*Further optimal regret bounds for Thompson sampling*, S. Agrawal and N. Goyal, In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pages 99–107, 2013.](]
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import numpy as np

    from numpy.random import normal as normalvariate  # Faster! Yes!
except ImportError:
    from random import gauss as normalvariate

from scipy.special import nrdtrimn, nrdtrisd

# Local imports
from .Posterior import Posterior

[docs]class Gauss(Posterior): r""" Manipulate a posterior of Gaussian experiments, which happens to also be a Gaussian distribution if the prior is Gaussian. The posterior distribution is a :math:`\mathcal{N}(\hat{\mu_k}(t), \hat{\sigma_k}^2(t))`, where .. math:: \hat{\mu_k}(t) &= \frac{X_k(t)}{N_k(t)}, \hat{\sigma_k}^2(t) &= \frac{1}{N_k(t)}. .. warning:: This works only for prior with a variance :math:`\sigma^2=1` ! """
[docs] def __init__(self, mu=0.0): r"""Create a posterior assuming the prior is :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu, 1)`. - The prior is centered (:math:`\mu=1`) by default, but parameter ``mu`` can be used to change this default. """ self._mu = float(mu) # initial value = float(mu) #: Parameter :math:`\mu` of the posterior self._nu = 1.0 # initial value self.sigma = 1.0 #: The parameter :math:`\sigma` of the posterior # internal memories self._nb_data = 0 # number of samples! self._sum_data = 0.0 # sum of samples!
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Gauss({:.3g}, {:.3g})".format(, self.sigma)
[docs] def reset(self, mu=None): r""" Reset the for parameters :math:`\mu, \sigma`, as when creating a new Gauss posterior.""" if mu is None: = self._mu self.sigma = self._nu
[docs] def sample(self): r""" Get a random sample :math:`(x, \sigma^2)` from the Gaussian posterior (using :func:`scipy.stats.invgamma` for the variance :math:`\sigma^2` parameter and :func:`numpy.random.normal` for the mean :math:`x`). - Used only by :class:`Thompson` Sampling and :class:`AdBandits` so far. """ return normalvariate(, scale=self.sigma)
[docs] def quantile(self, p): """ Return the p-quantile of the Gauss posterior. .. note:: It now works fine with :class:`Policies.BayesUCB` with Gauss posteriors, even if it is MUCH SLOWER than the Bernoulli posterior (:class:`Gamma`). """ quantile_on_x = nrdtrimn(p, 1, self.sigma) quantile_on_sigma2 = nrdtrisd(p, 1, return quantile_on_x * quantile_on_sigma2
[docs] def mean(self): r""" Compute the mean, :math:`\mu` of the Gauss posterior (should be useless).""" return
[docs] def variance(self): r""" Compute the variance, :math:`\sigma`, of the Gauss posterior (should be useless).""" return self.sigma
[docs] def update(self, obs): r"""Add an observation :math:`x` or a vector of observations, assumed to be drawn from an unknown normal distribution. """ # print("Info: calling Gauss.update() with obs = {} ...".format(obs)) # DEBUG # one more observation! self._nb_data += 1 self._sum_data += float(obs) mu, sigma =, self.sigma # Update all parameters new_sigma = 1 / float(self._nb_data) # n observations so far new_mu = self._sum_data * new_sigma # update mean, easy # Storing the new parameters, self.sigma = new_mu, new_sigma
[docs] def forget(self, obs): """Forget the last observation. Should work, but should also not be used...""" raise NotImplementedError