Source code for Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" An oracle policy for non-stationary bandits, restarting an underlying stationary bandit policy at each breakpoint.

- It runs on top of a simple policy, e.g., :class:`UCB`, and :class:`OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy` is a wrapper:

    >>> policy = OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy(nbArms, UCB)
    >>> # use policy as usual, with policy.startGame(), r = policy.choice(), policy.getReward(arm, r)

- It uses the knowledge of the breakpoints to restart the underlying algorithm at each breakpoint.
- It is very simple but impractical: in any real problem it is impossible to know the locations of the breakpoints, but it acts as an efficient baseline.

.. warning:: It is an efficient baseline, but it has no reason to be the best algorithm on a given problem (empirically)! I found that :class:`Policy.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson` is usually the most efficient.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import numpy as np

    from .BaseWrapperPolicy import BaseWrapperPolicy
except ImportError:
    from BaseWrapperPolicy import BaseWrapperPolicy

#: Should we reset one arm empirical average or all? Default is ``False`` for this algorithm.

#: Should we fully restart the algorithm or simply reset one arm empirical average? Default is ``False``, it's usually more efficient!

#: ``True`` if the algorithm reset one/all arm memories when a change occur on any arm.
#: ``False``` if the algorithms only resets one arm memories when a change occur on *this arm* (needs to know ``listOfMeans``) (default, it should be more efficient).

#: ``True`` if the algorithms resets memories of *this arm* no matter if it stays optimal/suboptimal (default, it should be more efficient).
#: ``False`` if the algorithm reset memories only when a change make the previously best arm become suboptimal.

# --- The very generic class

[docs]class OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy(BaseWrapperPolicy): r""" An oracle policy for non-stationary bandits, restarting an underlying stationary bandit policy at each breakpoint. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, changePoints=None, listOfMeans=None, reset_for_all_change=RESET_FOR_ALL_CHANGE, reset_for_suboptimal_change=RESET_FOR_SUBOPTIMAL_CHANGE, full_restart_when_refresh=FULL_RESTART_WHEN_REFRESH, per_arm_restart=PER_ARM_RESTART, *args, **kwargs ): super(OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, self).__init__(nbArms, *args, **kwargs) if changePoints is None: changePoints = [] changePoints = sorted([tau for tau in changePoints if tau > 0]) if len(changePoints) == 0: print("WARNING: it is useless to use the wrapper OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy when changePoints = {} is empty, just use the base policy without the wrapper!".format(changePoints)) # DEBUG changePoints = [changePoints for _ in range(nbArms)] self.reset_for_all_change = reset_for_all_change #: See :data:`RESET_FOR_ALL_CHANGE` self.reset_for_suboptimal_change = reset_for_suboptimal_change #: See :data:`RESET_FOR_SUBOPTIMAL_CHANGE` self.changePoints = self.compute_optimized_changePoints(changePoints=changePoints, listOfMeans=listOfMeans) #: Locations of the break points (or change points) of the switching bandit problem, for each arm. If ``None``, an empty list is used. self._full_restart_when_refresh = full_restart_when_refresh # Should we fully restart the algorithm or simply reset one arm empirical average ? self._per_arm_restart = per_arm_restart # Should we reset one arm empirical average or all? # Internal memory self.all_rewards = [[] for _ in range(self.nbArms)] #: Keep in memory all the rewards obtained since the last restart on that arm. self.last_pulls = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=int) #: Keep in memory the times where each arm was last seen. Start with -1 (never seen) print("Info: creating a new policy {}, with change points = {}...".format(self, changePoints)) # DEBUG
[docs] def compute_optimized_changePoints(self, changePoints=None, listOfMeans=None): """ Compute the list of change points for each arm. - If :attr:`reset_for_all_change` is ``True``, all change points concern all arms (sub optimal)! - If :attr:`reset_for_all_change` is ``False``, + If :attr:`reset_for_suboptimal_change` is ``True``, all change points were the mean of an arm change concern it (still sub optimal)! + If :attr:`reset_for_suboptimal_change` is ``False``, only the change points were an arm goes from optimal to sub-optimal or sub-optimal to optimal concern it (optimal!)! """ optimized_changePoints = [ [] for _ in range(self.nbArms) ] if listOfMeans is None: return changePoints elif listOfMeans is not None and len(listOfMeans) > 0: listOfMeans = np.array(listOfMeans) for arm in range(self.nbArms): taus = changePoints[arm] mus = listOfMeans[:, arm] m = 0 last_mu = mus[m] last_best_mu = np.max(listOfMeans[m, :]) for m, (mu_m, tau_m) in enumerate(zip(mus, taus)): if self.reset_for_all_change: # this breakpoint location concerns all arm, for this option optimized_changePoints[arm].append(tau_m) elif last_mu != mu_m: if self.reset_for_suboptimal_change: # this breakpoint location concerns this arm because its mean changed, for this option optimized_changePoints[arm].append(tau_m) else: best_mu = np.max(listOfMeans[m, :]) if ( (last_mu == last_best_mu and mu_m < best_mu) # it's not the best anymore! or (last_mu < last_best_mu and mu_m == best_mu) # it's now the best! ): # this breakpoint location concerns this arm because its mean changed and it is not the best anymore, for this option optimized_changePoints[arm].append(tau_m) last_best_mu = best_mu last_mu = mu_m return optimized_changePoints
[docs] def __str__(self): quality = "reset for optimal changes" if self.reset_for_all_change: quality = "reset for all changes" if self.reset_for_all_change: quality = "" sub = not self.reset_for_all_change and not self.reset_for_suboptimal_change if sub: quality = "sub-optimal" args = "{}{}".format("" if self._per_arm_restart else "global", ", Restart-with-new-Object" if self._full_restart_when_refresh else "") args = "{}, {}".format(args, quality) if args else quality args = "({})".format(args) if args else "" # opt = not self.reset_for_all_change and self.reset_for_suboptimal_change return r"Oracle-{}{}".format(self._policy.__name__, args)
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """ Give a reward: increase t, pulls, and update cumulated sum of rewards and update small history (sliding window) for that arm (normalized in [0, 1]). - Reset the whole empirical average if the current time step is in the list of change points. """ super(OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, self).getReward(arm, reward) # Get reward reward = (reward - self.lower) / self.amplitude # We seen it one more time self.last_pulls[arm] += 1 # Store it in place for the empirical average of that arm self.all_rewards[arm].append(reward) if self.detect_change(arm): # print("For a player {} a change was detected at time {} for arm {}, because this time step is in its list of change points!".format(self, self.t, arm)) # DEBUG if not self._per_arm_restart: # or reset current memory for ALL THE arms for other_arm in range(self.nbArms): self.last_pulls[other_arm] = 0 self.all_rewards[other_arm] = [] # reset current memory for THIS arm self.last_pulls[arm] = 1 self.all_rewards[arm] = [reward] # Fully restart the algorithm ?! if self._full_restart_when_refresh: self.startGame(createNewPolicy=True) # Or simply reset one of the empirical averages? else: if not self._per_arm_restart: # or reset current memory for ALL THE arms for other_arm in range(self.nbArms): self.policy.rewards[other_arm] = 0 self.policy.pulls[other_arm] = 0 if hasattr(self.policy, 'posterior'): self.policy.posterior[other_arm].reset() # XXX Posterior to reset, for Bayesian policy # reset current memory for THIS arm self.policy.rewards[arm] = np.sum(self.all_rewards[arm]) self.policy.pulls[arm] = len(self.all_rewards[arm]) if hasattr(self.policy, 'posterior'): self.policy.posterior[arm].reset() # XXX Posterior to reset, for Bayesian policy
# we update the total number of samples available to the underlying policy # self.policy.t = np.sum(self.last_pulls) # XXX SO NOT SURE HERE
[docs] def detect_change(self, arm): """ Try to detect a change in the current arm.""" return self.t in self.changePoints[arm], None