Source code for Policies.MusicalChair

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" MusicalChair: implementation of the decentralized multi-player policy from [A Musical Chair approach, Shamir et al., 2015](

- Each player has 3 states, 1st is random exploration, 2nd is musical chair, 3rd is staying sit
- 1st step
    + Every player tries uniformly an arm for :math:`T_0` steps, counting the empirical means of each arm, and the number of observed collisions :math:`C_{T_0}`
    + Finally, :math:`N^* = M` = ``nbPlayers`` is estimated based on nb of collisions :math:`C_{T_0}`, and the :math:`N^*` best arms are computed from their empirical means
- 2nd step:
    + Every player Choose an arm uniformly, among the :math:`N^*` best arms, until she does not encounter collision right after choosing it
    + When an arm was chosen by only one player, she decides to sit on this chair (= arm)
- 3rd step:
    + Every player stays sitted on her chair for the rest of the game
    + :math:`\implies` constant regret if :math:`N^*` is well estimated and if the estimated N* best arms were correct
    + :math:`\implies` linear regret otherwise
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility, division

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.8"

from enum import Enum  # For the different states
import numpy as np

    from .BasePolicy import BasePolicy
except ImportError:
    from BasePolicy import BasePolicy

# --- Functions to compute the optimal choice of Time0 proposed in [Shamir et al., 2015]

[docs]def optimalT0(nbArms=10, epsilon=0.1, delta=0.05): r""" Compute the lower-bound suggesting "large-enough" values for :math:`T_0` that should guarantee constant regret with probability at least :math:`1 - \delta`, if the gap :math:`\Delta` is larger than :math:`\epsilon`. - Cf. Theorem 1 of [Shamir et al., 2015]( Examples: - For :math:`K=2` arms, and in order to have a constant regret with probability at least :math:`90\%`, if the gap :math:`\Delta` is known to be :math:`\geq 0.05`, then their theoretical analysis suggests to use :math:`T_0 \geq 18459`. That's very huge, for just two arms! >>> optimalT0(2, 0.1, 0.05) # Just 2 arms ! 18459 # ==> That's a LOT of steps for just 2 arms! - For a harder problem with :math:`K=6` arms, for a risk smaller than :math:`1\%` and a gap :math:`\Delta \geq 0.05`, they suggest at least :math:`T_0 \geq 7646924`, i.e., about 7 millions of trials. That is simply too much for any realistic system, and starts to be too large for simulated systems. >>> optimalT0(6, 0.01, 0.05) # Constant regret with >99% proba 7646924 # ==> That's a LOT of steps! >>> optimalT0(6, 0.001, 0.05) # Reasonable value of epsilon 764692376 # ==> That's a LOT of steps!!! - For an even harder problem with :math:`K=17` arms, the values given by their Theorem 1 start to be really unrealistic: >>> optimalT0(17, 0.01, 0.05) # Constant regret with >99% proba 27331794 # ==> That's a LOT of steps! >>> optimalT0(17, 0.001, 0.05) # Reasonable value of epsilon 2733179304 # ==> That's a LOT of steps!!! """ K = nbArms T0_1 = (K / 2.) * np.log(2 * K**2 / delta) T0_2 = ((16 * K) / (epsilon**2)) * np.log(4 * K**2 / delta) T0_3 = (K**2 * np.log(2 / delta**2)) / 0.02 # delta**2 or delta_2 ? Typing mistake in their paper T0 = max(T0_1, T0_2, T0_3) return int(np.ceil(T0))
[docs]def boundOnFinalRegret(T0, nbPlayers): r""" Use the upper-bound on regret when :math:`T_0` and :math:`M` are known. - The "constant" regret of course grows linearly with :math:`T_0`, as: .. math:: \forall T \geq T_0, \;\; R_T \leq T_0 K + 2 \mathrm{exp}(2) K. .. warning:: this bound is not a deterministic result, it is only value with a certain probability (at least :math:`1 - \delta`, if :math:`T_0` is chosen as given by :func:`optimalT0`). - Cf. Theorem 1 of [Shamir et al., 2015]( - Examples: >>> boundOnFinalRegret(18459, 2) # Crazy constant regret! # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 36947.5.. >>> boundOnFinalRegret(7646924, 6) # Crazy constant regret!! # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 45881632.6... >>> boundOnFinalRegret(764692376, 6) # Crazy constant regret!! # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 4588154344.6... >>> boundOnFinalRegret(27331794, 17) # Crazy constant regret!! # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 464640749.2... >>> boundOnFinalRegret(2733179304, 17) # Crazy constant regret!! # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 46464048419.2... """ return T0 * nbPlayers + 2 * np.exp(2) * nbPlayers
#: Different states during the Musical Chair algorithm State = Enum('State', ['NotStarted', 'InitialPhase', 'MusicalChair', 'Sitted']) # --- Class MusicalChair
[docs]class MusicalChair(BasePolicy): """ MusicalChair: implementation of the decentralized multi-player policy from [A Musical Chair approach, Shamir et al., 2015]( """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, Time0=0.25, Time1=None, N=None, lower=0., amplitude=1.): # Named argument to give them in any order """ - nbArms: number of arms, - Time0: required, number of step, or portion of the horizon Time1 (optional), for the first step (pure random exploration by each players), - N: optional, exact or upper bound on the number of players, - Time1: optional, only used to compute Time0 if Time0 is fractional (eg. 0.2). Example: >>> nbArms, Time0, Time1, N = 17, 0.1, 10000, 6 >>> player1 = MusicalChair(nbArms, Time0, Time1, N) For multi-players use: >>> configuration["players"] = Selfish(NB_PLAYERS, MusicalChair, nbArms, Time0=0.25, Time1=HORIZON, N=NB_PLAYERS).children """ super(MusicalChair, self).__init__(nbArms, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) nbPlayers = N assert nbPlayers is None or nbPlayers > 0, "Error, the parameter 'nbPlayers' for MusicalChair class has to be None or > 0." self.state = State.NotStarted #: Current state if 0 < Time0 < 1: # Time0 is a fraction of the horizon Time1 Time0 = int(Time0 * Time1) # Lower bound elif Time0 >= 1: Time0 = int(Time0) # Store parameters self.Time0 = Time0 #: Parameter T0 self.nbPlayers = nbPlayers #: Number of players # Internal memory self.chair = None #: Current chair. Not sited yet. self.cumulatedRewards = np.zeros(nbArms) #: That's the s_i(t) of the paper self.nbObservations = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=int) #: That's the o_i of the paper self.A = np.random.permutation(nbArms) #: A random permutation of arms, it will then be of size nbPlayers! self.nbCollision = 0 #: Number of collisions, that's the C_Time0 of the paper # Implementation details self.t = -1 #: Internal times
[docs] def __str__(self): # return r"MusicalChair($N^*={}$, $T_0={}$)".format(self.nbPlayers, self.Time0) # Use current estimate return r"MusicalChair($T_0={}$)".format(self.Time0) # Use current estimate
[docs] def startGame(self): """ Just reinitialize all the internal memory, and decide how to start (state 1 or 2).""" self.t = -1 # -1 because t += 1 is done in self.choice() self.chair = None # Not sited yet self.cumulatedRewards.fill(0) self.nbObservations.fill(0) self.A = np.random.permutation(self.nbArms) # We have to select a random permutation, instead of fill(0), in case the initial phase was too short, the player is not too stupid self.nbCollision = 0 # if nbPlayers is None, start by estimating it to N*, with the initial phase procedure if self.nbPlayers is None: self.state = State.InitialPhase else: # No need for an initial phase if nbPlayers is known (given) self.Time0 = 0 self.state = State.MusicalChair
[docs] def choice(self): """ Choose an arm, as described by the Musical Chair algorithm.""" self.t += 1 if self.chair is not None: # and self.state == State.Sitted: # If the player is already sit, nothing to do self.state = State.Sitted # We can stay sitted: no collision right after we sit # If we can choose this chair like this, it's because we were already sitted, without seeing a collision # print("\n- A MusicalChair player chose arm {} because it's his chair, and time t = {} ...".format(self.chair, self.t)) # DEBUG return self.chair elif self.state == State.InitialPhase: # Play as initial phase: choose a random arm, uniformly among all the K arms i = np.random.randint(self.nbArms) # print("\n- A MusicalChair player chose a random arm {} among [1,...,{}] as it is in state InitialPhase, and time t = {} ...".format(i, self.nbArms, self.t)) # DEBUG return i elif self.state == State.MusicalChair: # Play as musical chair: choose a random arm, among the M bests i = np.random.choice(self.A) # Random arm among the M bests self.chair = i # Assume that it would be a good chair # print("\n- A MusicalChair player chose a random arm i={} of index={} among the {}-best arms in [1,...,{}] as it is in state MusicalChair, and time t = {} ...".format(i, k, self.nbPlayers, self.nbArms, self.t)) # DEBUG return i else: raise ValueError("MusicalChair.choice() should never be in this case. Fix this code, quickly!")
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """ Receive a reward on arm of index 'arm', as described by the Musical Chair algorithm. - If not collision, receive a reward after pulling the arm. """ # print("- A MusicalChair player receive reward = {} on arm {}, in state {} and time t = {}...".format(reward, arm, self.state, self.t)) # DEBUG # If not collision, receive a reward after pulling the arm if self.state == State.InitialPhase: # Count the observation, update arm cumulated reward self.nbObservations[arm] += 1 # One observation of this arm self.cumulatedRewards[arm] += (reward - self.lower) / self.amplitude # More reward # elif self.state in [State.MusicalChair, State.Sitted]: # pass # Nothing to do in this second phase # # We don't care anymore about rewards in this step # And if t = Time0, we are done with the initial phase if self.t >= self.Time0 and self.state == State.InitialPhase: self._endInitialPhase()
[docs] def _endInitialPhase(self): """ Small computation needed at the end of the initial random exploration phase.""" # print("\n- A MusicalChair player has to switch from InitialPhase to MusicalChair ...") # DEBUG self.state = State.MusicalChair # Switch ONCE to state 2 # First, we compute the empirical means mu_i empiricalMeans = (1 + self.cumulatedRewards) / (1 + self.nbObservations) # Then, we compute the final estimate of N* = nbPlayers if self.nbCollision == self.Time0: # 1st case, we only saw collisions! self.nbPlayers = self.nbArms # Worst case, pessimist estimate of the nb of players else: # 2nd case, we didn't see only collisions self.nbPlayers = int(round(1 + np.log((self.Time0 - self.nbCollision) / self.Time0) / np.log(1. - 1. / self.nbArms))) # Finally, sort their index by empirical means, decreasing order self.A = np.argsort(-empiricalMeans)[:self.nbPlayers] # FIXED among the best M arms!
[docs] def handleCollision(self, arm, reward=None): """ Handle a collision, on arm of index 'arm'. - Warning: this method has to be implemented in the collision model, it is NOT implemented in the EvaluatorMultiPlayers. """ # print("- A MusicalChair player saw a collision on arm {}, in state {}, and time t = {} ...".format(arm, self.state, self.t)) # DEBUG if self.state == State.InitialPhase: # count one more collision in this initial phase (no matter the arm) self.nbCollision += 1 elif self.state == State.MusicalChair: assert self.chair is not None, "Error: bug in my code in handleCollision() for MusicalChair class." # DEBUG self.chair = None # Cannot stay sit here