Source code for Policies.IMED

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" The IMED policy of [Honda & Takemura, JMLR 2015].

- Reference: [["Non-asymptotic analysis of a new bandit algorithm for semi-bounded rewards", J. Honda and A. Takemura, JMLR, 2015](].
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore')  # XXX dangerous in general, controlled here!

    from .DMED import DMED
    from .usenumba import jit
    from .kullback import klBern
except ImportError:
    from DMED import DMED
    from usenumba import jit
    from kullback import klBern

# --- Utilitary functions Dinf

from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from warnings import filterwarnings
filterwarnings("ignore", message="Method 'bounded' does not support relative tolerance in x; defaulting to absolute tolerance", category=RuntimeWarning)

[docs]def Dinf(x=None, mu=None, kl=klBern, lowerbound=0, upperbound=1, precision=1e-6, max_iterations=50 ): r""" The generic Dinf index computation. - ``x``: value of the cum reward, - ``mu``: upperbound on the mean ``y``, - ``kl``: the KL divergence to be used (:func:`klBern`, :func:`klGauss`, etc), - ``lowerbound``, ``upperbound=1``: the known bound of the values ``y`` and ``x``, - ``precision=1e-6``: the threshold from where to stop the research, - ``max_iterations``: max number of iterations of the loop (safer to bound it to reduce time complexity). .. math:: D_{\inf}(x, d) \simeq \inf_{\max(\mu, \mathrm{lowerbound}) \leq y \leq \mathrm{upperbound}} \mathrm{kl}(x, y). .. note:: It uses a call the :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar`. If this fails, it uses a **bisection search**, and one call to ``kl`` for each step of the bisection search. """ # lower and upper bounds l = max(lowerbound, mu) u = upperbound def f(i): return kl(x, i) # objective function! res = minimize_scalar(f, bounds=[l, u], method="bounded", tol=precision, options={"maxiter": max_iterations, "disp": False} ) if hasattr(res, "x"): return res.x else: print("Warning: the call to scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar failed, using hand-written bisection search instead...") # DEBUG # start in the middle value = (l + u) / 2. current_kl = kl(x, value) _count_iteration = 0 while _count_iteration < max_iterations and u - value > precision: _count_iteration += 1 # try to see right value = (l + u) / 2. new_kl = kl(x, value) if new_kl > current_kl: # need to go left u = value else: # need to go right current_kl = new_kl l = value return current_kl
# --- IMED
[docs]class IMED(DMED): """ The IMED policy of [Honda & Takemura, JMLR 2015]. - Reference: [["Non-asymptotic analysis of a new bandit algorithm for semi-bounded rewards", J. Honda and A. Takemura, JMLR, 2015](]. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, tolerance=1e-4, kl=klBern, lower=0., amplitude=1.): super(IMED, self).__init__(nbArms, tolerance=tolerance, kl=kl, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude)
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"IMED({})".format(self.kl.__name__[2:])
[docs] def one_Dinf(self, x, mu): r""" Compute the :math:`D_{\inf}` solution, for one value of ``x``, and one value for ``mu``.""" return Dinf(x=x, mu=mu, kl=self.kl, lowerbound=self.lower, upperbound=self.lower + self.amplitude, precision=self.tolerance)
# XXX Use this hack to vectorize one_Dinf ? # Dinf = np.vectorize(one_Dinf) ?
[docs] def Dinf(self, xs, mu): r""" Compute the :math:`D_{\inf}` solution, for a vector of value of ``xs``, and one value for ``mu``.""" return np.array([ self.one_Dinf(x, mu) for x in xs ])
[docs] def choice(self): r""" Choose an arm with **minimal** index (uniformly at random): .. math:: A(t) \sim U(\arg\min_{1 \leq k \leq K} I_k(t)). Where the indexes are: .. math:: I_k(t) = N_k(t) D_{\inf}(\hat{\mu_{k}}(t), \max_{k'} \hat{\mu_{k'}}(t)) + \log(N_k(t)). """ empiricalMeans = self.rewards / self.pulls bestEmpiricalMean = np.max(empiricalMeans) values_Dinf = self.Dinf(empiricalMeans, bestEmpiricalMean) # now compute the indexes indexes_to_minimize = self.pulls * values_Dinf + np.log(self.pulls) indexes_to_minimize[self.pulls < 1] = float('-inf') # then do as IndexPolicy but with a min instead # try: return np.random.choice(np.nonzero(indexes_to_minimize == np.min(indexes_to_minimize))[0])
# except ValueError: # if not np.all(np.isnan(indexes_to_minimize)): # raise ValueError("Error: unknown error in IMED.choice(): the indexes were {} but couldn't be used to select an arm.".format(indexes_to_minimize)) # return np.random.randint(self.nbArms)