# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" The generic kl-UCB policy for one-parameter exponential distributions.
By default, it assumes Bernoulli arms.
Note: using :math:`\log10(t)` and not :math:`\log(t)` for the KL-UCB index.
Reference: [Garivier & Cappé - COLT, 2011].
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.5"
from math import log10
import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore') # XXX dangerous in general, controlled here!
# WARNING: this is a HUGE hack to fix a mystery bug on importing this policy
from sys import path
from os.path import dirname
path.insert(0, '/'.join(dirname(__file__).split('/')[:-1]))
from .klUCB import klUCB
except ImportError:
from klUCB import klUCB
[docs]class klUCBlog10(klUCB):
r""" The generic kl-UCB policy for one-parameter exponential distributions.
By default, it assumes Bernoulli arms.
Note: using :math:`\log10(t)` and not :math:`\log(t)` for the KL-UCB index.
Reference: [Garivier & Cappé - COLT, 2011].
[docs] def __str__(self):
return r"kl-UCB({}{}{})".format("" if self.c == 1 else r"$c={:.3g}$, ".format(self.c), r"$\log_{10}$, ", self.klucb.__name__[5:])
[docs] def computeIndex(self, arm):
r""" Compute the current index, at time t and after :math:`N_k(t)` pulls of arm k:
.. math::
\hat{\mu}_k(t) &= \frac{X_k(t)}{N_k(t)}, \\
U_k(t) &= \sup\limits_{q \in [a, b]} \left\{ q : \mathrm{kl}(\hat{\mu}_k(t), q) \leq \frac{c \log_{10}(t)}{N_k(t)} \right\},\\
I_k(t) &= U_k(t).
If rewards are in :math:`[a, b]` (default to :math:`[0, 1]`) and :math:`\mathrm{kl}(x, y)` is the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two distributions of means x and y (see :mod:`Arms.kullback`),
and c is the parameter (default to 1).
if self.pulls[arm] < 1:
return float('+inf')
# XXX We could adapt tolerance to the value of self.t
return self.klucb(self.rewards[arm] / self.pulls[arm], self.c * log10(self.t) / self.pulls[arm], self.tolerance)
[docs] def computeAllIndex(self):
""" Compute the current indexes for all arms, in a vectorized manner."""
indexes = self.klucb_vect(self.rewards / self.pulls, self.c * np.log10(self.t) / self.pulls, self.tolerance)
indexes[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf')
self.index[:] = indexes