Source code for Policies.CPUCB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" The Clopper-Pearson UCB policy for bounded bandits.
Reference: [Garivier & Cappé, COLT 2011](
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Olivier Cappé, Aurélien Garivier, Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.6"

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
np.seterr(divide='ignore')  # XXX dangerous in general, controlled here!

    from .UCB import UCB
except ImportError:
    from UCB import UCB

[docs]def binofit_scalar(x, n, alpha=0.05): r""" Parameter estimates and confidence intervals for binomial data. For example: >>> np.random.seed(1234) # reproducible results >>> true_p = 0.6 >>> N = 100 >>> x = np.random.binomial(N, true_p) >>> (phat, pci) = binofit_scalar(x, N) >>> phat 0.61 >>> pci # 0.6 of course lies in the 95% confidence interval # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (0.507..., 0.705...) >>> (phat, pci) = binofit_scalar(x, N, 0.01) >>> pci # 0.6 is also in the 99% confidence interval, but it is larger # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (0.476..., 0.732...) Like binofit_scalar in MATLAB, see - ``(phat, pci) = binofit_scalar(x, n)`` returns a maximum likelihood estimate of the probability of success in a given binomial trial based on the number of successes, ``x``, observed in ``n`` independent trials. - ``(phat, pci) = binofit_scalar(x, n)`` returns the probability estimate, phat, and the 95% confidence intervals, pci, by using the `Clopper-Pearson method <>`_ to calculate confidence intervals. - ``(phat, pci) = binofit_scalar(x, n, alpha)`` returns the ``100(1 - alpha)%`` confidence intervals. For example, ``alpha = 0.01`` yields ``99%`` confidence intervals. For the Clopper-Pearson UCB algorithms: - x is the cum rewards of some arm k, :math:`x = X_k(t)`, - n is the number of samples of that arm k, :math:`n = N_k(t)`, - and alpha is a small positive number, :math:`\alpha = \frac{1}{t^c}` in this algorithm (for :math:`c > 1, \simeq 1`, for instance `c = 1.01`). Returns: (phat, pci) - phat: is the estimate of p - pci: is the confidence interval .. note:: My reference implementation was, but can also be used (it implies an extra requirement for the project). """ # - If ``x = [x[0], x[1], ... x[k-1]]` is a vector, binofit_scalar returns a vector of the same size as ``x`` whose ``i``th entry is the parameter estimate for ``x[i]``. # All ``k`` estimates are independent of each other. # - If ``n = [n[0], n[1], ... n[k-1]]`` is a vector of the same size as ``x``, the binomial fit, ``binofit_scalar``, returns a vector whose ``i``th entry is the parameter estimate based on the number of successes ``x[i]`` in ``n[i]`` independent trials. # A scalar value for ``x`` or ``n`` is expanded to the same size as the other input. # if n < 1: # Extreme case phat = np.NaN pci = (np.NaN, np.NaN) else: assert 0 <= x <= n, "Error: binofit_scalar(x, n) invalid value for x, not in [0, n], invalid outcome of binomial trials." # DEBUG # Empirical mean, for one parameter phat = float(x) / float(n) # See for the computation # Lowerbound nu1 = 2 * x nu2 = 2 * (n - x + 1) F = scipy.stats.f.ppf(alpha / 2., nu1, nu2) lowerbound = (nu1 * F) / (nu2 + nu1 * F) if x == 0: # extreme left case, truncate lowerbound to 0 lowerbound = 0 # upperbound = 1 - (alpha / 2.)**(1. / float(n)) # closed-form is available! # Upperbound nu1 = 2 * (x + 1) nu2 = 2 * (n - x) F = scipy.stats.f.ppf(1 - (alpha / 2.), nu1, nu2) upperbound = (nu1 * F) / (nu2 + nu1 * F) if x == n: # extreme right case, truncate upperbound to 1 # lowerbound = (alpha / 2.)**(1. / float(n)) # closed-form is available! upperbound = 1 pci = (lowerbound, upperbound) return phat, pci
[docs]def binofit(xArray, nArray, alpha=0.05): """ Parameter estimates and confidence intervals for binomial data, for vectorial inputs. For example: >>> np.random.seed(1234) # reproducible results >>> true_p = 0.6 >>> N = 100 >>> xArray = np.random.binomial(N, true_p, 4) >>> xArray array([61, 54, 61, 52]) >>> (phat, pci) = binofit(xArray, N) >>> phat array([0.61, 0.54, 0.61, 0.52]) >>> pci # 0.6 of course lies in the 95% confidence intervals # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[0.507..., 0.705...], [0.437..., 0.640...], [0.507..., 0.705...], [0.417..., 0.620...]]) >>> (phat, pci) = binofit(xArray, N, 0.01) >>> pci # 0.6 is also in the 99% confidence intervals, but it is larger # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[0.476..., 0.732...], [0.407..., 0.668...], [0.476..., 0.732...], [0.387..., 0.650...]]) """ # If inputs are list or tuples if isinstance(xArray, (list, tuple)): xArray = np.asarray(xArray) if isinstance(nArray, (list, tuple)): nArray = np.asarray(nArray) # If x is vectorial if isinstance(xArray, np.ndarray): origShape = xArray.shape Psuccess = np.empty(xArray.size) ConfIntervals = np.empty((xArray.size, 2)) if not isinstance(nArray, np.ndarray): nArray = nArray * np.ones_like(xArray) if not isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray): alpha = alpha * np.ones_like(xArray) for inde in range(xArray.size): Psuccess[inde], ConfIntervals[inde, :] = binofit_scalar(xArray.flat[inde], nArray.flat[inde], alpha.flat[inde]) return Psuccess.reshape(origShape), ConfIntervals.reshape(origShape + (2, )) else: return binofit_scalar(xArray, nArray, alpha)
[docs]def ClopperPearsonUCB(x, N, alpha=0.05): """ Returns just the upper-confidence bound of the confidence interval. """ phat, (lowerbound, upperbound) = binofit(x, N, alpha=alpha) return upperbound
# # Define a vectorized clopperPearsonUCB function, in ONE line! # clopperPearsonUCB = np.vectorize(ClopperPearsonUCB) # clopperPearsonUCB.__doc__ = ClopperPearsonUCB.__doc__ #: Default value for the parameter c for CP-UCB C = 1.01
[docs]class CPUCB(UCB): """ The Clopper-Pearson UCB policy for bounded bandits. Reference: [Garivier & Cappé, COLT 2011]. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, c=C, lower=0., amplitude=1.): super(CPUCB, self).__init__(nbArms, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) self.c = c #: Parameter c for the CP-UCB formula (see below)
[docs] def computeIndex(self, arm): r""" Compute the current index, at time t and after :math:`N_k(t)` pulls of arm k: .. math:: I_k(t) = \mathrm{ClopperPearsonUCB}\left( X_k(t), N_k(t), \frac{1}{t^c} \right). Where :math:`\mathrm{ClopperPearsonUCB}` is defined above. The index is the upper-confidence bound of the binomial trial of :math:`N_k(t)` samples from arm k, having mean :math:`\mu_k`, and empirical outcome :math:`X_k(t)`. The confidence interval is with :math:`\alpha = 1 / t^c`, for a :math:`100(1 - \alpha)\%` confidence bound. """ if self.pulls[arm] < 1: return float('+inf') else: return ClopperPearsonUCB(self.rewards[arm], self.pulls[arm], 1. / (self.t ** self.c))
# def computeAllIndex(self): # """ Compute the current indexes for all arms, in a vectorized manner.""" # indexes = ClopperPearsonUCB(self.rewards, self.pulls, 1. / (self.t ** self.c)) # indexes[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') # self.index[:] = indexes # --- Debugging if __name__ == "__main__": # Code for debugging purposes. from doctest import testmod print("\nTesting automatically all the docstring written in each functions of this module :") testmod(verbose=True)