Source code for Policies.BayesianIndexPolicy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Basic Bayesian index policy. By default, it uses a Beta posterior. """
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

    from .IndexPolicy import IndexPolicy
    from .Posterior import Beta
except ImportError:
    from IndexPolicy import IndexPolicy
    from Posterior import Beta

[docs]class BayesianIndexPolicy(IndexPolicy): """ Basic Bayesian index policy. - By default, it uses a Beta posterior (:class:`Policies.Posterior.Beta`), one by arm. - Use ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` if you want to give parameters to the underlying posteriors. - Or use ``params_for_each_posterior`` as a *list* of parameters (as a dictionary) to give a different set of parameters for each posterior. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, posterior=Beta, lower=0., amplitude=1., *args, **kwargs ): """ Create a new Bayesian policy, by creating a default posterior on each arm.""" super(BayesianIndexPolicy, self).__init__(nbArms, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) self.posterior = [None] * nbArms #: Posterior for each arm. List instead of dict, quicker access if 'params_for_each_posterior' in kwargs: params = kwargs['params_for_each_posterior'] print("'params_for_each_posterior' is in kwargs, so using params =\n{}\nas a list of parameters to give to each posterior.".format(params)) # DEBUG for arm in range(self.nbArms): print("Creating posterior for arm {}, with params = {}.".format(arm, params[arm])) # DEBUG self.posterior[arm] = posterior(**params[arm]) else: for arm in range(self.nbArms): # print("Creating posterior for arm {}, with args = {} and kwargs = {}.".format(arm, args, kwargs)) # DEBUG self.posterior[arm] = posterior(*args, **kwargs) self._posterior_name = str(self.posterior[0].__class__.__name__)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ -> str""" if self._posterior_name == "Beta": return "{}".format(self.__class__.__name__) else: return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._posterior_name)
[docs] def startGame(self): """ Reset the posterior on each arm.""" self.t = 0 for arm in range(self.nbArms): self.posterior[arm].reset()
# print("Policy {} reinitialized with posteriors: {}".format(self, [str(p) for p in self.posterior])) # DEBUG
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """ Update the posterior on each arm, with the normalized reward.""" self.posterior[arm].update((reward - self.lower) / self.amplitude) self.t += 1
[docs] def computeIndex(self, arm): raise NotImplementedError("This method computeIndex(arm) has to be implemented in the child class inheriting from BayesianIndexPolicy.")