Source code for Environment.notify

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines one useful function :func:`notify()` to (try to) send a desktop notification.

- Only tested on Ubuntu and Debian desktops.
- Should work on any FreeDesktop compatible desktop, see

.. warning:: Experimental support of Mac OS X has been added since #143 (
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

from os import getcwd
from os.path import exists, join
from subprocess import Popen


# Constants for the program
PROGRAM_NAME = "SMPyBandits"  #: Program name

# ICON_PATH = join("..", "logo.png")  #: Icon to use
ICON_PATH = "logo.png"  #: Icon to use

# Define the icon loaded function
    from gi import require_version
    require_version('GdkPixbuf', '2.0')
    from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf

    def load_icon():
        """ Load and open the icon. """
        # Loading the icon...
        if exists(ICON_PATH):
            # Use GdkPixbuf to create the proper image type
            iconpng = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(ICON_PATH)
            iconpng = None
        # print("iconpng =", iconpng)  # DEBUG
        return iconpng

except (ImportError, ValueError):
    if VERBOUS:
        print("\nError, gi.repository.GdkPixbuf seems to not be available, so notification icons will not be available ...")
        print("On Ubuntu, if you want notification icons to work, install the 'python-gobject' and 'libnotify-bin' packages.")
        print("(For more details, cf. '')")

[docs] def load_icon(): """ Load and open the icon. """ return None
#: Trying to import gi.repository.Notify has_Notify = False try: from gi import require_version require_version('Notify', '0.7') from gi.repository import Notify # One time initialization of libnotify Notify.init(PROGRAM_NAME) has_Notify = True except (ImportError, ValueError): if VERBOUS: print("\nError, gi.repository.Notify seems to not be available, so notification will not be available ...") print("On Ubuntu, if you want notifications to work, install the 'python-gobject' and 'libnotify-bin' packages.") print("(For more details, cf. '')") # Define the first notify function, with gi.repository.Notify
[docs]def notify_gi(body, summary=PROGRAM_NAME, icon="terminal", timeout=5 # In seconds ): """ Send a notification, with gi.repository.Notify. - icon can be "dialog-information", "dialog-warn", "dialog-error". """ try: # Trying to fix a bug: # g-dbus-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.5124 was not provided by any .service files (2) Notify.init(PROGRAM_NAME) # XXX maybe the PROGRAM_NAME should be random? # Cf. # Create the notification object notification = summary, # Title of the notification body, # Optional content of the notification icon # XXX Should not indicate it here ) # Lowest urgency (LOW, NORMAL or CRITICAL) notification.set_urgency(Notify.Urgency.LOW) # add duration, lower than 10 seconds (5 second is enough). notification.set_timeout(timeout * 1000) # Actually show the notification on screen return 0 # Ugly! XXX Catches too general exception except Exception as e: print("\nnotify.notify(): Error, notify.notify() failed, with this exception") print(e) return -1
# Define the second notify function, with a subprocess call to 'notify-send'
[docs]def notify_cli(body, summary=PROGRAM_NAME, icon="terminal", timeout=5, # In seconds, gnulinux=True ): """ Send a notification, with a subprocess call to 'notify-send'.""" try: print("notify.notify(): Trying to use the command line program 'notify-send' ...") icon = join(getcwd(), icon) if gnulinux: Popen(["notify-send", "--expire-time=%s" % (timeout * 1000), "--icon=%s" % icon, summary, body]) print("notify.notify(): A notification have been sent, with summary = '%s', body = '%s', expire-time='%s' and icon='%s'." % (summary, body, timeout * 1000, icon)) else: # Cf. Popen(["osascript", "-e", "'tell Application \"Finder\" to display dialog \"%s\"'" % body]) print("notify.notify(): A notification have been sent, with body = '%s'." % body) return 0 # Ugly! XXX Catches too general exception except Exception as e: print("\nnotify.notify(): %s : not-found ! Returned exception is %s." % ("notify-send" if gnulinux else "osascript", e)) try: if gnulinux: return notify_cli(body, summary=summary, icon=icon, timeout=timeout, gnulinux=False) else: return -1 except Exception as e: return -1
# Define the unified notify.notify() function
[docs]def notify(body, summary=PROGRAM_NAME, icon="terminal", timeout=5 # In seconds ): """ Send a notification, using one of the previously defined method, until it works. Usually it works.""" # print("Notification: '{}', from '{}' with icon '{}'.".format(body, summary, icon)) # DEBUG if not has_Notify: print("notify.notify(): Warning, desktop notification from Python seems to not be available ...") return notify_cli(body, summary=summary, icon=icon, timeout=timeout) else: try: return_code = notify_gi(body, summary=summary, icon=icon, timeout=timeout) if return_code < 0: return_code = notify_cli(body, summary=summary, icon=icon, timeout=timeout) except Exception: return_code = notify_cli(body, summary=summary, icon=icon, timeout=timeout) return return_code
if __name__ == "__main__": notify("Test body Test body Test body ! From 'notify(...)' with icon=terminal ...", icon="terminal")