Source code for Environment.memory_consumption

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Tiny module to measure and work on memory consumption.

It defines a utility function to get the memory consumes in the current process or the current thread (:func:`getCurrentMemory`), and a function to pretty print memory size (:func:`sizeof_fmt`).

It also imports :mod:`tracemalloc` and define a convenient function that pretty print the most costly lines after a run.

- Reference:
- Example:

>>> return_code = start_tracemalloc()
Starting to trace memory allocations...
>>> # ... run your application ...
>>> display_top_tracemalloc()
Top 10 lines ranked by memory consumption:
#1: python3.6/ 636 B
    compileflags, 1), test.globs)
#2: <doctest __main__[1]>:1: 568 B
#3: python3.6/ 472 B
    if check(example.want, got, self.optionflags):
#4: python3.6/ 464 B
    self.report_success(out, test, example, got)
#5: python3.6/ 456 B
    got = self._toAscii(got)
#6: ./ 448 B
    snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
#7: python3.6/ 440 B
#8: python3.6/ 440 B
    got = self._fakeout.getvalue()  # the actual output
#9: python3.6/ 432 B
    self.debugger.set_continue() # ==== Example Finished ====
#10: python3.6/ 89 B
    result = StringIO.getvalue(self)
2 others: 78 B
Total allocated size: 4.4 KiB

.. warning:: This is automatically used (for ```` at least) when ``DEBUGMEMORY=True`` (cli env).

.. warning:: This is experimental and does *not* work as well on Mac OS X and Windows as it works on GNU/Linux systems.

from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import os
from linecache import getline

HAS_resource = False
    import resource
    HAS_resource = True
except ImportError as e:
    print("ERROR: 'resource' module not available, but it is in the standard library.\nHave you messed up your Python installation?\nAre you on Windows? In this case, it's okay.\nPlease submit a new bug on")  # DEBUG

[docs]def getCurrentMemory(thread=False, both=False): """ Get the current memory consumption of the process, or the thread. - Example, before and after creating a huge random matrix in Numpy, and asking to invert it: >>> currentMemory = getCurrentMemory() >>> print("Consumed {} memory".format(sizeof_fmt(currentMemory))) # doctest: +SKIP Consumed 16.8 KiB memory >>> import numpy as np; x = np.random.randn(1000, 1000) # doctest: +SKIP >>> diffMemory = getCurrentMemory() - currentMemory; currentMemory += diffMemory >>> print("Consumed {} more memory".format(sizeof_fmt(diffMemory))) # doctest: +SKIP Consumed 18.8 KiB more memory >>> y = np.linalg.pinv(x) # doctest: +SKIP >>> diffMemory = getCurrentMemory() - currentMemory; currentMemory += diffMemory >>> print("Consumed {} more memory".format(sizeof_fmt(diffMemory))) # doctest: +SKIP Consumed 63.9 KiB more memory .. warning:: This is still experimental for multi-threaded code. .. warning:: It can break on some systems, see for instance [the issue #142]( .. warning:: FIXME even on my own system, it works for the *last* few policies I test, but fails for the first?? .. warning:: This returns 0 on Microsoft Windows, because the :mod:`resource` module is not available on non-UNIX systems (see """ if not HAS_resource: return 0 if thread: try: # return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_THREAD).ru_maxrss except (ValueError, AttributeError): print("Warning: resource.RUSAGE_THREAD is not available.") # DEBUG return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
[docs]def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B', longsuffix=True, usespace=True, base=1024): """ Returns a string representation of the size ``num``. - Examples: >>> sizeof_fmt(1020) '1020 B' >>> sizeof_fmt(1024) '1 KiB' >>> sizeof_fmt(12011993) '11.5 MiB' >>> sizeof_fmt(123456789) '117.7 MiB' >>> sizeof_fmt(123456789911) '115 GiB' Options include: - No space before unit: >>> sizeof_fmt(123456789911, usespace=False) '115GiB' - French style, with short suffix, the "O" suffix for "octets", and a base 1000: >>> sizeof_fmt(123456789911, longsuffix=False, suffix='O', base=1000) '123.5 GO' - Reference: """ num = float(num) # force typecast base = float(base) suffixes = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'] if longsuffix: suffixes = ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi'] for unit in suffixes[:-1]: if abs(num) < base: return "{num:3.1f}{space}{unit}{suffix}".format( num=num, space=' ' if usespace else '', unit=unit, suffix=suffix, ).replace(".0", "") num /= base return "{num:.1f}{space}{unit}{suffix}".format( num=num, space=' ' if usespace else '', unit=suffixes[-1], suffix=suffix, ).replace(".0", "")
#: Max number of lines to show with :func:`display_top_tracemalloc`. LIMIT = 10 try: import tracemalloc def start_tracemalloc(): """Wrapper function around :func:`tracemalloc.start`, to log the start of tracing memory allocation.""" tracemalloc.start() print("Starting to trace memory allocations...") # DEBUG return 0 def display_top_tracemalloc(snapshot=None, key_type='lineno', limit=LIMIT): """ Display detailed information on the ``limit`` most costly lines in this memory snapshot. """ if snapshot is None: snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() snapshot = snapshot.filter_traces(( tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>"), tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>"), tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<unknown>"), # XXX add my own filter if needed! )) top_stats = snapshot.statistics(key_type) print("\nTop {} lines ranked by memory consumption:".format(limit)) for index, stat in enumerate(top_stats[:limit], 1): frame = stat.traceback[0] # replace "/path/to/module/" with "module/" filename = os.sep.join(frame.filename.split(os.sep)[-2:]) print("#{index}: {filename}:{lineno}: {size}".format( index=index, filename=filename, lineno=frame.lineno, size=sizeof_fmt(stat.size) )) line = getline(frame.filename, frame.lineno).strip() if line: print(" {}".format(line)) other = top_stats[limit:] if other: size = sum(stat.size for stat in other) print("{other} others: {size}".format(other=len(other), size=sizeof_fmt(size))) total = sum(stat.size for stat in top_stats) print("\nTotal allocated size: {size}".format(size=sizeof_fmt(total))) return total # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- except ImportError: print("'tracemalloc' module not available. Are you on Python 2?\nYou should use Python 3 for this feature.") # WARNING
[docs] def start_tracemalloc(): """Fake :func:`start_tracemalloc` function, if :mod:`tracemalloc` is not available.""" print("Warning: tracemalloc module is not available, no information can be printed about memory consumption.") # DEBUG return -1
[docs] def display_top_tracemalloc(snapshot=None, key_type='lineno', limit=LIMIT): """Fake :func:`display_top_tracemalloc` function, if :mod:`tracemalloc` is not available.""" print("Warning: tracemalloc module is not available, no information can be printed about memory consumption.") # DEBUG return -1
# Only export and expose the useful functions defined here __all__ = [ "getCurrentMemory", "sizeof_fmt", "start_tracemalloc", "display_top_tracemalloc", ] # --- Debugging if __name__ == "__main__": # Code for debugging purposes. from doctest import testmod print("\nTesting automatically all the docstring written in each functions of this module :") testmod(verbose=True)