# **Structure and Sparsity of Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits** This page explains shortly what I studied on sparse stochastic multi-armed bandits. Assume a MAB problem with `$K$` arms, each parametrized by its *mean* `$\mu_k\in\mathbb{R}$`. If you know in advance that only a small subset (of size `$s$`) of the arms have a positive arm, it sounds reasonable to hope to be more efficient in playing the bandit game compared to an approach which is non aware of the sparsity. The [`SparseUCB`](docs/Policies.SparseUCB.html#Policies.SparseUCB.SparseUCB) is an extension of the well-known [`UCB`](docs/Policies.UCB.html), and requires to known **exactly** the value of `$s$`. It works by identifying as fast as possible (actually, in a sub-logarithmic number of samples) the arms with non-positive means. Then it only plays in the "good" arms with positive means, with a regular UCB policy. I studied extensions of this idea, first of all the [`SparseklUCB`](docs/Policies.SparseklUCB.html#Policies.SparseklUCB.SparseklUCB) policy as it was suggested in the original research paper, but mainly a generic "wrapper" black-box approach. For more details, see [`SparseWrapper`](docs/Policies.SparseWrapper.html#Policies.SparseWrapper.SparseWrapper). - Reference: [["Sparse Stochastic Bandits", by J. Kwon, V. Perchet & C. Vernade, COLT 2017](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01383)]. Note that this algorithm only works for sparse [Gaussian]((docs/Arms.Gaussian.html)) (or sub-Gaussian) stochastic bandits, and it includes [Bernoulli arms](docs/Arms.Bernoulli.html). ---- ## Article > TODO finish! I am writing a small research article on that topic, it is a better introduction as a self-contained document to explain this idea and the algorithms. Reference: [[Structure and Sparsity of Stochastic Multi-Arm Bandits, Lilian Besson and Emilie Kaufmann, 2018]](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-XXX). ---- ## Example of simulation configuration A simple python file, [`configuration_sparse.py`](https://smpybandits.github.io/docs/configuration_sparse.html), is used to import the [arm classes](Arms/), the [policy classes](Policies/) and define the problems and the experiments. For example, we can compare the standard [`UCB`](docs/Policies.UCB.html) and [`BayesUCB`](docs/Policies.BayesUCB.html) algorithms, non aware of the sparsity, against the sparsity-aware [`SparseUCB`](docs/Policies.SparseUCB.html) algorithm, as well as 4 versions of [`SparseWrapper`](docs/Policies.SparseWrapper.html) applied to [`BayesUCB`](docs/Policies.BayesUCB.html). ```python configuration = { "horizon": 10000, # Finite horizon of the simulation "repetitions": 100, # number of repetitions "n_jobs": -1, # Maximum number of cores for parallelization: use ALL your CPU "verbosity": 5, # Verbosity for the joblib calls # Environment configuration, you can set up more than one. "environment": [ { # sparsity = nb of >= 0 mean, = 3 here "arm_type": Bernoulli, "params": 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 } ], # Policies that should be simulated, and their parameters. "policies": [ {"archtype": UCB, "params": {} }, {"archtype": SparseUCB, "params": { "sparsity": 3 } }, {"archtype": BayesUCB, "params": { } }, ] } ``` Then add a [Sparse-Wrapper](docs/Policies.SparseWrapper.html) bandit algorithm ([`SparseWrapper` class](docs/Policies.SparseWrapper.html)), you can use this piece of code: ```python configuration["policies"] += [ { "archtype": SparseWrapper, "params": { "policy": BayesUCB, "use_ucb_for_set_J": use_ucb_for_set_J, "use_ucb_for_set_K": use_ucb_for_set_K, } } for use_ucb_for_set_J in [ True, False ] for use_ucb_for_set_K in [ True, False ] ] ``` ---- ## [How to run the experiments ?](How_to_run_the_code.md) You should use the provided [`Makefile`](Makefile) file to do this simply: ```bash make install # install the requirements ONLY ONCE make sparse # run and log the main.py script ``` ---- ## Some illustrations Here are some plots illustrating the performances of the different [policies](docs/Policies.) implemented in this project, against various sparse problems (with [`Bernoulli`](Arms/Bernoulli.html) or [`UnboundedGaussian`](https://smpybandits.github.io/docs/Arms.Gaussian.html) arms only): ### 3 variants of [Sparse-Wrapper](docs/Policies.SparseWrapper.html) for UCB, on a "simple" sparse Bernoulli problem ![3 variants of Sparse-Wrapper for UCB, on a "simple" sparse Bernoulli problem](plots/main____env1-1_XXX.png) FIXME run some simulations and explain them! > These illustrations come from my (work in progress) article, [[Structure and Sparsity of Stochastic Multi-Arm Bandits, Lilian Besson and Emilie Kaufmann, 2018]](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-XXX). ---- ### :scroll: License ? 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